javascript - Jquery radio button doesnt register click -
i have following 2 div block: <div class="span9" id="lejer"> <div class="span9" id="udejer"> note in html have alot of things within them sake of keeping short not post of it. at top of document have following radio buttons: <div class="controls"> <label class="radio inline"> <input id="optionsradios1" type="radio" name="optionsradios" value="option1" checked="" id="select_lejer"> jeg er lejer </label> <label class="radio inline"> <input id="optionsradios1" type="radio" name="optionsradios" value="option1" checked="" id="select_udlejer"> <p style="padding-left:1em"> jeg er udlejer</p> </label> </div> now toggle between visibilty of 2 div tags have created following ...