How to put datas from MongoDB into an object with Casbah and Scala -

i want put in "user" class datas mongodb. find() method doesn't return type want.

i have piece of code, don't know how can use :

def finduser(username: string) : option[user] =   {     var user:option[user] = none     val usertofind = mongodbobject("username" -> username)     users.findone(usertofind).foreach { x =>       user = some(new user(x("username").tostring,x("password").tostring,x("firstname").tostring, x("lastname").tostring, true,2))     }     user   } 

how use result put object parameters ?

this object user :

class user (   val username    : string,   var password    : string,   var firstname   : string,   var lastname    : string,   var isactivated : boolean,   val tenantid    : int              ) {} 

for example this:

def finduser(username: string): option[user] = {     val result = mongocolluser.findone(mongodbobject("username"->username)); { user => touser(user)  }   }     def touser(dbobject:dbobject) : user = {       user([string]("username"),[string]("password"),[string]("firstname"),[string]("lastname"),[boolean]("isactivated"),[int]("tenantid"))   }  case class user (              val username    : string,              var password    : string,              var firstname   : string,              var lastname    : string,              var isactivated : boolean,              val tenantid    : int              ) 


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