php - Add the correct number of days for each month -

using following function can display years , months between 2 dates, how can add correct days each month array within each month? can't add days manually need account leap years etc.

function yearmonth($start_date, $end_date) {     $begin = new datetime( $start_date );     $end = new datetime( $end_date);     $interval = new dateinterval('p1m'); // 1 month interval      $period = new dateperiod($begin, $interval, $end);      foreach ( $period $dt )         $years[$dt->format( "y" )][] = $dt->format( "f" );      return $years; }  $list  =  yearmonth("2007-03-24", "2009-06-26"); var_dump($list); 

since nobody else answered:

function yearmonth($start_date, $end_date) { $begin = new datetime( $start_date ); $end = new datetime( $end_date); $interval = new dateinterval('p1d'); // 1 month interval  $period = new dateperiod($begin, $interval, $end);  $lastmonth = null; $lastyear = null; $aresult = array(); foreach ( $period $dt ) {     if ($dt->format('y') != $lastyear)     {         $lastyear = $dt->format('y');     }     if ($dt->format('f') != $lastmonth)     {         $lastmonth = $dt->format('f');     }     if (!isset($aresult[$lastyear]))     {         $aresult[$lastyear] = array();     }     if (!isset($aresult[$lastyear][$lastmonth]))     {         $aresult[$lastyear][$lastmonth] = array();     }     $aresult[$lastyear][$lastmonth][] = $dt->format('d'); }  return $aresult; }   

on side note planing create sort of gantt chart style flat layout in table format of years, months , days between dates. think suitable way of generating that? or there better way?


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