android - Why "monitor will be closed to enable ADB integration" if I want to debug application? -

why if want debug application appears message "monitor closed enable adb integration"?

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i using android studio , guess: monitor(ddms) , and intelij conflicting since both of them using adb(android debug bridge). , because single debugger can attached single vm(app).

ddms assigns debugging port each vm on device. typically, ddms assigns port 8600 first debuggable vm, next on 8601, , on. when debugger connects 1 of these ports, traffic forwarded debugger associated vm. can attach single debugger single port...

despite should able use multiple debuggers on single vm(app) using port forwarding provided ddms:

you can attach single debugger single port, ddms can handle multiple, attached debuggers.

by default, ddms listens on debugging port, ddms "base port" (8700, default). base port port forwarder, can accept vm traffic debugging port , forward debugger on port 8700. allows attach 1 debugger port 8700, , debug vms on device. traffic forwarded determined selected process in ddms devices view.

you can make sure possible connecting ddms via simple debugger i.e jdb (java debugger) via:

jdb -attach localhost:8700

(if ddms forwarding on 8700 port)

this as know.

i can't post more 2 links, quotes official android developers site title:

using ddms

some links:

adb overview

useful blog record


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