objective c - UIImagePickerController Status / Navigationbar iOS 7 -

i've run iceberg ios 7. i'm trying present uiimagepickercontroller , have work status. unfortunately, picker not want play ball. when presented in popover, picker looks this:

enter image description here

our app uses textured navigation bar applied using [uinavigationbar apearance] not being applied in case. when picker presented on iphone, result:

enter image description here

the navigation bar textured desired doesn't correctly merge status bar. seemed easy problem fix. subclassed uiimagepickercontroller , set bar position top attached , textured navigation bar.

this solved problems, caused picker no longer function. according docs, class not meant subclassed.

so i'm started.

so question ... how texture navigation bar in picker when presented in popover , how set barposition navigation controller in picker itself?

any or guidance appreciated.


on iphone device:

if use custom image navigation bar, size include height of status bar, else it'll fill in what's missing black background think.


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