excel - VLOOKUP N/A Error -

i had quick question vlookup in excel. suppose create table of 3 rows , 2 columns no headers. supply first column categories 'bad' 'okay , 'good' , second numbers 0,1,2. if have single column somewhere else in worksheet containing 0s 1s , 2s understand vlookup should follows:

vlookup(an entry in column of 0s 1s , 2s, table of 3 rows , 2 columns, 2, false).

however, n/a value. know why might be?

vlookup takes entry (first part of function) , looks in column 1 of table, is, in example, looking in column containing 'good', 'okay' , 'bad' , since doesn't find (0, 1 or 2), returns #n/a.

turn around table 0, 1 , 2 first , in next column have 'good', 'okay' , 'bad' , retype formula in.


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