vb.net - Unable to kill excel processes -

i using followiwing code copying , pasting excel files:

imports excel = microsoft.office.interop.excel imports system.io imports system.runtime.interopservices  private sub btncombine_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles btncombine.click      dim xlappsource new excel.application     dim xlapptarget new excel.application     dim xlwbsource excel.workbook     dim xlwbtarget excel.workbook     dim xlsheetsource excel.worksheet     dim xlsheettarget excel.worksheet     dim xlrangesource excel.range     dim xlrangetarget excel.range      dim progress integer = 0     pbrprogress.minimum = 0     pbrprogress.maximum = amountoffiles      btncombine.enabled = false     btnselect.enabled = false     pbrprogress.visible = true      getsavelocation()     makeexcelfile()      'loop through excel files required data     = 0 amountoffiles - 1           dim currentfile string = strfilenames(i)         dim intamountofrows integer = amountofrows(currentfile)         dim intstartofemptyrow integer = amountofrows(summarylocation)          xlappsource.displayalerts = false         xlapptarget.displayalerts = false          'set current workbook         xlwbsource = xlappsource.workbooks.open(currentfile)         xlwbtarget = xlapptarget.workbooks.open(summarylocation)          'set current worksheet         xlsheetsource = xlwbsource.activesheet         xlsheettarget = xlwbtarget.activesheet          'copy range of data source target file         xlrangesource = xlsheetsource.range("a2:k" & intamountofrows)         xlrangesource.copy()          xlrangetarget = xlsheettarget.range("a" & intstartofemptyrow)         xlrangetarget.pastespecial(excel.xlpastetype.xlpastevalues)          'save summary file before closing         xlsheettarget.saveas(summarylocation)          'updating progress bar         progress = progress + 1         pbrprogress.value = progress      next      'close excel     xlwbsource.close(true)     xlwbtarget.close(true)     xlappsource.quit()     xlapptarget.quit()      xlappsource.displayalerts = true     xlapptarget.displayalerts = true       'cleanup     marshal.releasecomobject(xlappsource)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlapptarget)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlwbsource)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlwbtarget)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlsheetsource)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlsheettarget)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlrangesource)     marshal.releasecomobject(xlrangetarget)      xlappsource = nothing     xlapptarget = nothing     xlwbsource = nothing     xlwbtarget = nothing     xlsheetsource = nothing     xlsheettarget = nothing     xlrangesource = nothing     xlrangetarget = nothing      msgbox("samenvoegen compleet")      init()  end sub 

i have tried every solution given on so:

  • never use 2 points on line
  • i have tried using marshall.releasecomobject
  • i have tried setting objects "nothing"

however, everytime run application, there 10-20 excel processes still running.

option explicit  sub main()      dim xlapp excel.application     set xlapp = new excel.application      xlapp.visible = false     xlapp.displayalerts = false      dim xlwb workbook     set xlwb = xlapp.workbooks.open("c:\...\path")      dim xlsht worksheet     set xlsht = xlwb.sheets(1)      xlsht.range("a1") = "message " & thisworkbook.fullname      xlwb.saved = true     xlwb.save     xlwb.close      xlapp.quit  end sub 

works me every single time , not leave excel processes hanging in task manager.

note: if code breaks @ point , not handle opened objects hang in processes tab in task manager. if haven't implemented error handling in code start here.

just consider alternative

option explicit  sub main()      on error goto errhandler     dim xlapp excel.application     set xlapp = new excel.application      xlapp.visible = false     xlapp.displayalerts = false      dim xlwb workbook     set xlwb = xlapp.workbooks.open("c:\...\path")      dim xlsht worksheet     set xlsht = xlwb.sheets(1)      xlsht.range("a1") = "message " & thisworkbook.fullname      xlwb.saved = true     xlwb.save     xlwb.close      xlapp.quit     exit sub  errhandler:     xlwb.saved = true     xlwb.save     xlwb.close      xlapp.quit end sub 


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