postgresql - How to restore postgres database into another database name -

i use postgres today , got problem dump database way

 pg_dump zeus_development -u test > zeus_development.dump.out 

what if wnat restore database zeus_production

how do?

simple, first create database using template0 template database:

createdb -u test -t template0 zeus_production 

then, restore dump on database:

psql -u test zeus_production -f /path/to/zeus_development.dump.out 

when restoring, use template0 explicit, empty , unmodifiable database. if don't use explicit template, postgresql assume template1, , if has objects, table or function dumped database has, errors while restoring.

nonetheless, if restoring on database same name (zeus_development) should create (or recreate) same way. unless used -c option while dumping (or -c of pg_restore if using binary dump), don't recommend, because give less flexibility (like restoring on different database name).


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