ruby - Get Post Full Path in Jekyll/Octopress -

in octopress, i'm trying post's full file path (something ~/projects/site/source/_posts/2012-01-01-something.markdown) extending jekyll:post class.

module jekyll     class post         alias_method :original_to_liquid, :to_liquid         def to_liquid             # test if function called             puts "hello"             original_to_liquid.deep_merge({                 'full_path' => file.join(@base,@name)             })         end     end  end 

i name file full_path.rb , put in plugins folder. oddly, to_liquid function never called, since hello message didn't show up.

even more strange, find date.rb shipped octopress defines to_liquid method of class post, add full_path => file.join(@base,@name) line there , works! i'm soooo confused.

so question is, why to_liquid method didn't called?


after upgrading jekyll 0.12.0 1.2.1, magically works......

you might take @ post#permalink documentation. should want without having create new plugins.

(if misunderstood you, maybe containing_dir method you're looking for)


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