What do the methods do in this Java program? -

i'm confused methods exactly, hoping explain concept me example program:

import java.io.*; import java.util.*;  public class programb {     public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {        string filename;       string total="";       string c = "";       string size = "";       int num1=0, num2=0;       char ch;        scanner keyboard = new scanner(system.in);        system.out.println("enter name of file want read data from:");        filename=keyboard.next();         scanner fromfile = new scanner(new filereader(filename));        while (fromfile.hasnext()) {          string type = fromfile.next();           ch = fromfile.next().charat(0);          num1 = fromfile.nextint();          if (type.equals("rectangle")) {             num2 = fromfile.nextint();          }          system.out.print(type + " ");          system.out.print(ch + " ");          system.out.print(num1 + " ");          if (type.equals("rectangle")) {             system.out.print(num2);         }          system.out.println();          if (type.equals("rectangle")){             rectangle(ch,num1,num2);           }          if (type.equals("triangle")){             triangle(ch, num1);          }        }      }    /** draw rectangle of specified width , height     @param c character creates drawing     @param height height of rectangle     @param width width of rectangle */    public static void rectangle(char c, int height, int width){        (int i=1; i<=height; i++) {          system.out.println();          (int a=1; a<= width; a++) {             system.out.print(c);      }    }   system.out.println();     // put statements here display rectangle on screen using    // character c , width , height parameters    }    /** draw right triangle. @param c character creates drawing @param size height , width of triangle */     public static void triangle(char c, int size){       (int i=1; i<=size;i++) {          (int j=1; j<=i; j++) {             system.out.print(c);          }          system.out.println();        // put statements here display triangle on screen using       // character c , size parameter       }    }  } 

what methods , do? i've tried researching online , i've been studying textbook i'm still confused concept.

the documentation accompanies methods decent job of explaining do, think. rectangle() method, when called parameters '-', 3, , 4, "draw" rectangle 3 dashes high , 4 wide in console program run:

---- ---- ---- 

the triangle() method similar; when called '-' , 3, you'll shape this:

- -- --- 


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