c - Creating a Custom Array Size with Random Numbers -

i trying write function returns array of custom size , populated random numbers. whole code such:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h>  int check_error(int a); void initialize_array(int array[],int a); void print_array(int array[],int a); int replace(int array[],int i, int b, int c);  int main(void)  {     int asize, array;     printf("hello!\nplease enter size of array:\n");     scanf("%d", &asize);     check_error(asize);     while (check_error(asize)==0)     {             printf("invalid input! enter size of imput size again:\n");             scanf("%d", &asize);     }             if (check_error(asize)==1)     {             initialize_array(array, asize);     } }  int check_error(int a) {      if (a> 0 &&  <= 100)             return 1;     else             return 0; } void initialize_array(int array[], int a) {     int i;     srand(time(null));     for(i=0; < a; i++)     {             array[i]=rand()%10;     } } 

specifically need getting initialize_array work intended.

in code, remove previous definition of array , this:

if (check_error(asize)==1) {         int array[asize];         initialize_array(array, asize);         // other stuff here } 

note array valid between { }'s of if(check_error) statement.


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