new to android - supporting Supporting Multiple Screens -

i have galaxy note 2, think considered large screen. when run app, want use activity_main.xml file in layout-large folder. not. used activity_main.xml in layout folder.

here have tried:

i create folder called layout-large under res directory. tree looks this:


layout--> activity_main.xml  layout-large--> activity_main.xml 

i tried go through documentation, didn't find anything. placed code in manefest:

  <uses-sdk     android:minsdkversion="8"     android:targetsdkversion="17" />   <supports-screens      android:anydensity="true"     android:largescreens="true"     android:normalscreens="true"     android:resizeable="true"     android:smallscreens="true"     android:xlargescreens="true"      /> 

the problem solved using new qualifiers defined in android docs here.


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