matlab - How can I use local constants in the function definitions of ezplot? -

based on reference examples here, cannot seem use variables in workspace constants in function expressions. example, trying do:

ezplot('theta * (1 x y) - 0.5', 0,8,-5,4); 

where theta 3 x 1 vector results in error

theta * [1;x;y] - 0.5 cannot plotted in xy-plane. 

is there way around restriction?

if theta 1 x 3 (it cannot 3 x 1) can use

ezplot(@(x,y) theta * [1;x;y] - 0.5, [0,8,-5,4]); 

note cannot refer variable in workspace when defining function string. need create anonymous function. ranges plotting not separate arguments. need pass vector of length 4.


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