Customizing Back Stack in Android Activities -

consider there 1 activity, named activity s.
there many activities, 10 activities, named a, b, c, ..., j.

how can achieve this:
a--j activities, when button pressed, go activity s.
regardless of ordering or how activities created.

for example:
starting s, go b, d, g.
in activity g, press button, , go s.

== edit ==
should use activity.finish() method when leaving a--j activities ?

you accomplish in different ways depending on exact result desire. add following line <activity> tags in manifest.xml activities


or use intent flag when overrdiing onbackpressed() in each

@override public void onbackpressed() {     intent = new intent(currentactivity.this, s.class);     i.setflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top);`     startactivity(i);     super.onbackpressed(); } 

this clear other activities stack , return s.

if want keep activities on stack while returning s can change flag used

 @override public void onbackpressed() {     intent = new intent(currentactivity.this, s.class);     i.setflags(intent.flag_activity_reorder_to_front);`     startactivity(i);     super.onbackpressed(); } 

the last way bring s front , keep other activities on stack don't think want option. want 1 of first 2 ways.


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