dbi - How to use fetchrow_arrayref correctly in perl script? -

i got stuck in usage of 'fetchrow_arrayref' in perl script. can point out i'm going wrong in script? i'd appreciate whatever inform me. thank you.

the problems i'm facing are:

(1) print $id; <-this doesn't print content of $id.

(2) print "$list[1]"; <-this prints array(0x8da6978) instead of actual content.

(3) reverse(@list); <-this doesn't reverse contents of @list.

(4) print "@{$_} \n"; <- "\n" doesn't work. why need @{}?

(5) print "\n"; <-this doesn't work well.

(6) print "@list"; <-this prints array(0x8da6978).

(7) print dumper(@inverse); <-prints fine, contents of array not reversed.

#!/usr/bin/perl  use strict; use warnings; use dbi; use data::dumper;  ....  $dbh = dbi->connect($dbname, $dbuser, $dbpassword) || die "error $dbi::errstr"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * name id = 11"); $sth->execute;  @list = ();  while(my $element = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref){      push(@list, $element);  }   $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect;  ($id, $name, $email, $telephone) = @list;  print "content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";  print $id;                                           (problem 1)  print "$list[1]";                                    (problem 2)  @inverse = reverse(@list);                        (problem 3)  foreach (@inverse){      print "@{$_} \n";                                (problem 4)  }  print "\n";                                          (problem 5)  print "@list";                                       (problem 6)  print dumper(@inverse);                              (problem 7)  exit; 

each item in list reference array containing data 1 row of database table.


my ($id, $name, $email, $telephone) = @list; 

appears trying process 1 row of table.

you need each member of @list , not @list itself.

for $row (@list) {     ($id, $name, $email, $telephone) = @$row;     print $id; } 


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