linux - Customize CFEngine3 temporary downloaded files location -

i facing issue while trying configuring cfengine3.5, have created policy install package source, download tar balls url , untar , further digs make , make install, working fine except while download tar balls keeps @ "/etc" location, want cfengine put file @ /tmp.

is there way customize default behavior of cfengine keep temporary downloaded files @ "/tmp" instead of "/etc".

here policy snippet:

bundle agent install {   vars:       "packages" slist => {                             "algorithm-diff-1.1902",                             "apache-db-0.13",                             "apache-dbi-1.06",                             "apache-session-1.83",                             "apache-sessionx-2.01",                             "appconfig-1.65",                             "archive-tar-1.32",       };    commands:       "/usr/bin/wget http://10.x.x.x/downloads/perl-modules/$(packages).tar.gz; /usr/bin/gunzip $(packages).tar.gz; tar -xf $(packages).tar; cd $(packages); /usr/bin/perl; /usr/bin/make; /usr/bin/make install;"         contain =>  standard,         classes => satisfied(canonify("$(packages)-installed")); }  body contain standard {         useshell => "true";         exec_owner => "root"; }  

thanks in advance.

you can add directory in commands should executed contain body, this:

body contain standard {   useshell => "true";   exec_owner => "root";   chdir => "/tmp"; } 

please note there few contain bodies in standard library (lib/3.5/, maybe 1 of can used don't have write own. note cfengine executes root, exec_owner => "root" not strictly necessary.


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