arrays - Unable to access element from Sort class c++ -

hey doing homework assignment compare different kinds of sorts efficiency.however having trouble accessing data element , feel dumb because feel should easy answer. here main function.

    int main() {     //declarations     int const myarraysize = 100;     sort mysort(myarraysize);      mysort.init_array();      clock_t timea = clock();     for(int = 0; < myarraysize; i++)     {         //run tests         mysort.insertion_sort(/*whatgoeshere*/, myarraysize );     }     clock_t timeb = clock();     clock_t diff = timeb - timea;      system("pause"); } 

and here header

class sort { private:     int size;     int *myarray; public:     sort(int size);     ~sort();     friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const sort& s)     {         //put code in here     }     void insertion_sort(int [], int);     void selection_sort(int [], int);     void merge_sort(int [], int);     void quick_sort(int [], int);     void partition(int [], int, int&);     void merge(int [], int, int);     void init_array();     int getsize(); }; 

i trying access array stored in myarray , understand class can access it, how go accessing it?

/* whatgoeshere* /

nothing goes there.

remove arguments member functions

example :

just use:

void insertion_sort( );

this knows myarray , size data members of class

and call as

mysort.insertion_sort( );

this considers member functions implemented correctly using myarray , size.


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