unix - trying to start XBMC with a bash from BOXEE -
hi new unix , bash programming. trying make simple startup script have boxee start xbmc stored on memory card. can start commands entering them in telnet, if call test.sh script wont allow me access directory xbmc stored on.
#!/tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc basedir=/tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc $0 killall u99boxee; killall boxeelauncher; killall run_boxee.sh; killall boxee; killall boxeehal gconv_path=$pwd/gconv ae_engine=active pythonpath=$pwd/python2.7:$pwd/python2.7/lib-dynload xbmc_home=$pwd ./xbmc.bin -p
# sh test.sh : not foundne 2: : not foundne 3: test.sh: line 4: /tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc: permission denied : not foundne 5: : not foundne 6: killall: u99boxee: no process killed killall: boxeelauncher: no process killed killall: run_boxee.sh: no process killed killall: boxee: no process killed : no process killed : not foundne 9: : not foundne 10: test.sh: line 11: ./xbmc.bin: not found #
i used command line xbmc. , assume $pwd expects script in /tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc
if enter "cd /tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc" in telnet wil bring me dir if put code in script, give me access denied.
what doing wrong here. or how can approach wont have change work directory?
line 2 expand to
basedir=/tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc test.sh
this try run test.sh /tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc interpreter specified on line 1, fail since directory. line 1 doesn't have specify valid interpreter if you're going run script doing 'sh test.sh', you'll happier if change line 1 to
if want invocation of xbmc.bin see value basedir in environment, replace line 2 with
basedir=/tmp/mnt/6337-3533/xbmc export basedir
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