how to make fortran code to remove coordinate of particles from input file to avoid overlapping -

i had configuration 1804 particles particles overlap. try make fortran code remove co-ordinates of particles. got error. please me.

      program check_overlap        implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)       parameter (maxatom = 20000000)       dimension rx(maxatom), ry(maxatom), rz(maxatom)       real drmax        character resname*(5),atomname*(5)       character box_par       drmax = 0.15       open (10, file = 'conf.gro')        read (10,*) box_par       read (10,*) nn        100  ipart = 1, nn       read(10,99) numres,resname,atomname,numatom,                  & rx(ipart), ry(ipart), rz(ipart)  99    format (i5,2a5,i5,3f8.3)  100   continue        close(10)       200 = 1, nn-1        rxi = rx(i)       ryi = ry(i)       rzi = rz(i)        300 j = i+1 , nn        rxij = rxi - rx (j)       ryij = ryi - ry (j)       rzij = rzi - rz (j)        rijsq = rxij*rxij + ryij*ryij + rzij*rzij        if (        rxiold = rxi       ryiold = ryi       rziold = rzi        rxinew = rxiold + (2.0 * ranf (dumy) - 1.0) * drmax       ryinew = ryiold + (2.0 * ranf (dumy) - 1.0) * drmax       rzinew = rziold + (2.0 * ranf (dumy) - 1.0) * drmax        rxinew = rxinew - anint (rxinew)       ryinew = ryinew - anint (ryinew)       rzinew = rzinew - anint (rzinew)        rxij_new = rxi - rxinew       ryij_new = ryi - ryinew       rzij_new = rzi - rzinew        rijsq_new = rxij_new*rxij_new + ryij_new*ryij_new+         & rzij_new*rzij_new        if (        rx(i) = rxinew       ry(i) = ryinew       rz(i) = rzinew        end if        end if  300   continue 200   continue        call writeout (cn) 


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