installer - Check if ASP.NET MVC 3 installed and if it is not install it from internet with Inno Setup -

i want check registry existence of mvc 3. if not contained in system, mvc 3 must installed internet automatically. have code below it, have compiler error line "addproduct(bla bla bla)". says "unknown identifier 'addproduct'". why anyway?

 const aspnetmvc3_url = '   ab7b-3261a303a3b6/aspnetmvc3toolsupdatesetup.exe';  procedure aspnetmvc3();  var version: cardinal;  begin if not regkeyexists(hklm, 'software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\  {37c939a9-427d-4f06-a14c-5c672ef51c6c}')  addproduct('aspnetmvc3toolsupdatesetup.exe','',custommessage('aspnetmvc3_title'),custommessage   ('aspnetmvc3_size'),aspnetmvc3_url,false,false); end; 


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