stl - Find the minimum number +ve number in c++? -

i want find minimum number using stl in c++, know syntax should min(x,y). want find minimum +ve numbers in list. not inlcuding -ves. how do that?

p.s numbers in array

for finding minimum number, makes sense use std::min_element. fortunately, comes optional comparison parameter, can make use of: (sample here)

auto pos = std::min_element(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr),     [](const t &t1, const t &t2) {return t1 > 0 && (t2 <= 0 || t1 < t2);} ); 

you have careful take account if it's comparing positive t1 negative number, should true. if none of elements positive, give location of first number in array. if 0 should treated part of positives, change t1 > 0 t1 >= 0 , t2 <= 0 t2 < 0.


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