java - Sending very large string trough socket from server to android client -

i have problem sending large string through socket server android client.

string 10mb.

code writing data socket this:

int sockettimeout = 200; socket = new socket(client.gethost(), client.getport()); socket.setsotimeout(sockettimeout); outputstreamwriter oos=new outputstreamwriter(socket.getoutputstream()); string d = data.getdata().tostring() + "\n"; oos.write(d);  oos.flush(); 

code reading data socket this:

socket s = params[0]; inputstream = null; try {     = s.getinputstream();     bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();      int nread;     byte[] data = new byte[32768];      while ((nread =, 0, data.length)) != -1) {         baos.write(data, 0, nread);     }     return new string(baos.tobytearray()); } 

so problem comes @ line i'm reading inputstream outofmemoryexception. tried using different examples of reading string stream. tried bufferedinputstream, inputstreamreader, ioutils, stringbuilder, bufferedreader ..etc. , of them give me outofmemory exception when string large. tested smaller data around 100k , works perfectly.

exception on server-side "connection reset peer, socket write error."

you can read byte byte in client , write file byte byte, in way not holding whole string in memory.

and of course read file tokens or lines, not whole string @ once


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