java - Display data on JTable from Mysql db after click off button -

i've been trying insert data mysql database , @ same time display data in jtable. problem unable store data database able display in jtable. have placed db connection string in class follows

    public class databaseconnection {    public static connection getdbconnection() {     connection connection;     try {         class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver").newinstance();         connection = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/accounting","root","jinxed007");         return connection;     } catch (exception ex) {     return null;     }  } 


and method implementing jtable follows

            table = new jtable(dtablemodel);      try{          class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver");         conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/accounting","root","jinxed007");          statement sqlstate = conn.createstatement                 (resultset.type_scroll_sensitive,resultset.concur_updatable);          string selectstuff = "select customerid,name,address,town,postal_code,tel_no,contact_person customer";          rows = sqlstate.executequery(selectstuff);          object[] temprow;          while ( {              temprow = new object[] { rows.getint(1), rows.getstring(2),                     rows.getstring(3), rows.getstring(4), rows.getstring(5) ,rows.getint(6),rows.getstring(7)};              dtablemodel.addrow(temprow);         }       }      catch (sqlexception ex) {          // string describing error          system.out.println("sqlexception: " + ex.getmessage());          // vendor specific error code          system.out.println("vendorerror: " + ex.geterrorcode());     } catch (classnotfoundexception e) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e.printstacktrace();     }      table.setautocreaterowsorter(true);       table.setfont(new font("segoe ui", font.plain, 12));     table.setborder(new etchedborder(etchedborder.raised, null, null));     scrollpane.setviewportview(table); 

while actionlistener follows

    btnsave.addactionlistener(new actionlistener(){          @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0) {             string scustomerid="",scustomername="",saddress="",scity="",spostalcode="",stelno="",scontactperson="";                scustomerid=txtcustomernumber.gettext();             scustomername=txtcustomername.gettext();             saddress=txtaddress.gettext();             scity=txtcity.gettext();             spostalcode=txtpostalcode.gettext();             stelno=txttelno.gettext();             scontactperson=txtcontactperson.gettext();              try {                   // moves database row data placed                  rows.movetoinsertrow();                  // update values in database                  rows.updatestring("customerid", scustomerid);                 rows.updatestring("name", scustomername);                  rows.updatestring("address", saddress);                 rows.updatestring("town", scity);                  rows.updatestring("postal_code", spostalcode);                 rows.updatestring("tel_no", stelno);                  rows.updatestring("contact_person",scontactperson );                    // inserts changes row values in database                  rows.insertrow();                  // directly updates values in database                  rows.updaterow();              } catch (sqlexception e1) {                  e1.printstacktrace();             }             //int scustomerid = 0;              try {                  // go last row inserted , id                  rows.last();                  //scustomerid = rows.getint(1);             } catch (sqlexception e1) {                  e1.printstacktrace();             }              object[] customer = {scustomerid,scustomername,saddress,                     scity,spostalcode,stelno,scontactperson };              // add row of values jtable              dtablemodel.addrow(customer);          }      }); 


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