debugging - How can I identify the version of a managed dll in windbg? -

i have minidump customer. want find out assembly versions of loaded .net dlls. i've searched internet hours now, cannot find usable way. have windbg , have loaded sos extension have needed clr.dll , mscordacwks.

using lm -v shows unmanaged dll's. sure overlooking simple.

alright, after more research came conclusion that kind of information not available dll's in minidump. anyway @ least able more information files, , maybe useful else in future.

you can @ least metata information of dll's, , maybe can find useful in there. here's how that:

first domain:


you might end large amount of listed assemblies. can either them hand using:

!dumpassembly address 

or can use lazy way: install python extension windbg ( , use following script quick overlook (it's maybe not nicest script, it's working , didn't want invest more time):

import pykd  def dump_assemblies():     assemblies = 0      addrs = pykd.dbgcommand("!dumpdomain").splitlines()     x in addrs:         if x[:8] == "assembly":             assemblies = assemblies + 1             print "### retrieving assembly " + x[-8:]             print pykd.dbgcommand("!dumpassembly " + x[-8:])     print "### found " + str(assemblies) + " assemblies."  dump_assemblies() 

you able text search (ctrl + f) dll. once found it, can find offset next module name (looks 12327c8 c:\program files\myapp\mydll.dll).

you can dump module using:

!dumpmodule 12327c8 

which lead to:

name:       c:\program files\myapp\mydll.dll attributes: pefile  assembly:   131a22e2 loaderheap:              00000000 typedeftomethodtablemap: 19220010 typereftomethodtablemap: 134303e0 methoddeftodescmap:      13430740 fielddeftodescmap:       13433964 memberreftodescmap:      134350c8 filereferencesmap:       13435918 assemblyreferencesmap:   1343591c metadata start address:  1c1aaa4c (4248 bytes) 

now can check metadata of dll with:

dc 1c1aaa4c 1c1aaa4c + 4248 

that's closest more information dll. unfortunately file version not written there, other more generic info. anyway, try in touch customer again. answers anyway.


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