objective c - ios7 - iPhone 5 giving white space at the top -

client has come me on projects saying see white space on top (they can't see default things time, wifi signal, etc) @ top.

this happening when installed ios7 on ipad.

any idea why happening?


i have navigation bar image. hide navigation bar , put navigation bar image.


i know not perfect question so, thought ask take inputs. tomorrow going study on it.

try insert following code viewdidload:

if( [self respondstoselector:@selector(edgesforextendedlayout)] ) {   self.edgesforextendedlayout = uirectedgenone; } 

otherwise try it, removing uistatusbar. select project, go section general , select hide during application launch inside subsection deployment info. next have add attribute inside info section called view controller-based status bar appearance , set no.


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