ubuntu - Linux: /var/log/syslog segfault message format? What does each parameter means? -

this question has answer here:

as per question title, each paramter stands for, in /var/log/syslog segfault messagae ?

for example, got error message in /var/log/syslog file :

sep 17 03:57:23 localhost kernel: [   99.032748] iaccessremotesc[1413]: segfault @ 11 ip 0804ca94 sp bfaf6d90 error 4 in iaccessremotescreen[8048000+a000] 

where :

sep 17 03:57:23 ==> timestamp  localhost kernel ==> log host  ip ==> instruction pointer  sp ==> stack pointer 

what other parameter stands ?

[   99.032748] ==> ?  iaccessremotesc ==> ?  [1413] ==> ?  segfault ==>  11 ==>  0804ca94 ==>  bfaf6d90 ==>  error 4  ==>  iaccessremotescreen[8048000+a000] ==> ?  [8048000+a000] ==> ? 

is there standard protocol syslog ?

i need detail description each paramter.

can suggest me link or manual interpret details of above message ?

[ 99.032748] ==> seems time (possibly, start of execution of task. or total time consumed time process )

iaccessremotesc ==> offending function

[1413] ==> line number

segfault ==> segmentation fault, immediate reason crash

11 ==> address of text of offending code

0804ca94 ==> ip instruction pointer. cuurent executing instruction

bfaf6d90 ==> stack pointer. pointer top of offending process's stack

error 4 ==> arch specific error code. decoding architectural specific far know

iaccessremotescreen[8048000+a000] ==> offending line in function.

[8048000+a000] ==> hex address of offending function , a000 offset offending line.


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