android - OrmLite: check if CreateOrUpdate did change any values -

is there way, without building custom sql statement, check if ormlite's createorupdate call did change values in database or not?

dao.createorupdatestatus.getnumlineschanged() returns rows affected value, result 1 if object updated did not change @ all.

i added below methods class, , call 1 of these methods in every setxxx method.

private boolean objectchanged = false;  private void checkchanged(object ob1, object ob2) {     if (ob1 == null && ob2 == null) {         // both null = same, nothing         return;     } else if (ob1 == null || ob2 == null) {         // 1 null         objectchanged = true;     } else if (ob2.equals(ob1)) {         // same, nothing         return;     } else {         objectchanged = true;     } }  private void checkchanged(int int1, int int2) {     if (int1 != int2) {         objectchanged = true;     } } 

it solution works, not it. if has better solution, without making database call, let me know.


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