java - Convert Arraylist<subclass> to ArrayList<parent> -

i have 2 arraylists contain parent , child class child extents parent , second extends first

public first(arraylist<parent> parents) {     // parent class's constructor } 

second class's constructor

public second(arraylist<child> child) {     super(child);     // child class's constructor take arraylist<child> } 

is possible cast arraylist<child> arraylist<parent>?

this way cast parent child

public static void main(string[] args) {     arraylist<foo> parentarray = new arraylist<foo>();     parentarray.add(new foo("toolazy"));     parentarray.add(new foo("tooadd"));     parentarray.add(new foo("toomorefields"));     arraylist<boo> childarray =  (arraylist<boo>) ((arraylist<?>) parentarray); } 

and way cast child parent

//boo extends foo btw public static void main(string[] args) {     arraylist<boo> parentarray = new arraylist<boo>();     parentarray.add(new boo("toolazy"));     parentarray.add(new boo("tooadd"));     parentarray.add(new boo("toomorefields"));     arraylist<foo> childarray =  (arraylist<foo>) ((arraylist<?>) parentarray); } 


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