c# - What is the best practice for caching user data in asp.net -

when user signs in website, want cache data email, confirmation status, mobile confirmation status, etc. because don't want fetch data in each page request. requirement user must confirm email , mobile before anything.
using code this:

public static class cacheddata {     public static bool isemailconfirmed     {                 {             if (httpcontext.current.session["isemailconfirmed"] == null)                 initialize();             return convert.toboolean(httpcontext.current.session["isemailconfirmed"]);         }         set         {             httpcontext.current.session["isemailconfirmed"] = value;         }     }      public static bool ismobileconfirmed     {                 {             if (httpcontext.current.session["ismobileconfirmed"] == null)                 initialize();             return convert.toboolean(httpcontext.current.session["ismobileconfirmed"]);         }         set         {             httpcontext.current.session["ismobileconfirmed"] = value;         }     }      public static void initialize()     {         useraccount currentuser = useraccount.getuser();         if (currentuser == null)             return;          isemailconfirmed = currentuser.emailconfirmed;         ismobileconfirmed = currentuser.mobileconfirmed;        } } 

i have pagebase class page classes drive it. using class cacheddata in pagebase class:

public class pagebase : page {     protected override void oninit(eventargs e)     {         if (authentication.required && user.identity.isauthenticated && !ispostback)         {             if (cacheddata.hasprofile && (!cacheddata.isemailconfirmed || !cacheddata.ismobileconfirmed) && !request.url.absolutepath.tolower().endswith("settings.aspx"))                 response.redirect("/settings-page", true);         }     } } 

may strange, code, work wrong , redirect setting page user confirmed email , mobile.
there better solution.

i think, if logic, should create object userinfo. this:

public class userinfo {     public string name {get; set; }     public bool isemailconfirmed {get; set; }     public bool ismobileconfirmed {get; set; }     .... }  

then set object session. now! when operation on user record performed in bll, should re-populate new instance of userinfo , replace old 1 in session. way user info day , work.

but problem may coming fact use web farm , sessions not synchronized. need use sticky session each request unique user processed on same server. right there thing called app fabric. caching on steroids. can find item in cache on server.


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