- C# ASP .NET; Get the NetworkCredential Object for the logged in user? -

i have implement following scenario: asp .net webapp 1. user logs in 2. logged in user's credentials have download files sharepoint site;

environment: - right web.config set impersonation on, , windows auth. on, have work basic authentication - use download sharepoint files using sharepoint site's web services, , webclient needs credential object, that's why need networkcredential object.

p.s: credentialcache.defaultcredentials , credentialcache.defaultnetworkcredentials returns credential empty username , pw, cannot use acccessing sharpeoint site. not suitable or system.web.httpcontext.current.user.identity, because can username way, , instantiating networkcredential need uname , pw.

fyi, think i've managed solve issue; i'm using impersonation context, , use credentialcache.defaultnetworkcredentials, , set webclient's usedefaultcredentials true, , seems working far. so:

windowsidentity identity =; using (identity.impersonate()) {     webclient.credentials = credentialcache.defaultnetworkcredentials;     webclient.usedefaultcredentials = true; } 

this worked me.


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