AngularJS : Transclude a single input element into a directive template without using a container -

i create wrapper input field input-help tool tip inside of it.

i using angular 1.0.7, if it's significant.

i'm using transclude: true, along isolate scope in order allow errors @ several different fields simultaneously, , still maintain ng-model reference external $scope.

the problem:

when use directive on input element, input element doesn't clone('transclude') directive template.

as result of getting empty div element @ dom, ng-transclude attribute.



<input data-my-validate-input data-value-required="true" type="password" class="loginitem" placeholder="password" name="password" data-ng-model="formdata.password" data-display-name="password"> 

however when wrap input element in span or div, child input element transcended fine, don't reference correct external ng-model(ctrl) @ directive.

<span data-my-validate-input data-value-required="true" data-display-name="password">       <input type="password" class="loginitem" placeholder="password" name="password" data-ng-model="formdata.password" >     </span> 

full code(the logic inside link function not relevant problem, preferred post full code)

directive('myvalidateinput', function() {     return {         require: 'ngmodel',           restrict: 'a',           transclude: true,           scope: {             displayname: '@',             valuerequired: '@',             maxlength: '@',             minlength: '@',             minletters: '@',             minnumbers: '@'           },           template: '<div class="validationcontainer">\                       <div ng-transclude></div>\                       <div class="input-help">\                         <h4>{{fielderrordisplay}}</h4>\                         <ul>\                           <li data-ng-repeat="rule in requirementspec" ng-class="rule.class">\                               {{rule.msg}}\                           </li>\                         </ul>\                       </div>\                     </div>',          replace: true,          link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {                  var validator = function(viewvalue){                           if(scope.valuerequired && viewvalue.length == 0 && (!scope.maxlength && !scope.minlength && !scope.minletters && !scope.minnumbers)){                     scope.valid = false;                       scope.fielderrordisplay = scope.fieldname + ' required';                   }                   else{                         scope.fielderrordisplay = scope.fieldname + ' must meet following requirements: ';                         scope.requirementspec = [];                         if(scope.minlength){                           var itemvalidity = viewvalue.length >= scope.minlength;                           scope.valid = !itemvalidity ? false : scope.valid;                           var item = {                             'msg' : 'must @ least ' + scope.minlength + ' characters long',                             'class' : itemvalidity ? 'valid' : undefined                           };                           scope.requirementspec[namestr].push(item);                         }                         else if(scope.valuerequired){                           var itemvalidity = viewvalue && viewvalue.length >= 1;                           scope.valid = !itemvalidity ? false : scope.valid;                           var item = {                             'msg' : 'this field must filled',                             'class' : itemvalidity ? 'valid' : undefined                           };                           scope.requirementspec[namestr].push(item);                         }                         if(scope.maxlength){                           var itemvalidity = viewvalue.length <= scope.maxlength;                           scope.valid = !itemvalidity ? false : scope.valid;                           var item = {                             'msg' : 'must ' + scope.maxlength + ' characters long @  ',                             'class' : itemvalidity ? 'valid' : undefined                           };                           scope.requirementspec[namestr].push(item);                         }                         if(scope.minletters){                           var itemvalidity = (viewvalue && /[a-z]/.test(viewvalue));                           scope.valid = !itemvalidity ? false : scope.valid;                           var item = {                             'msg' : 'must contain @ least ' + scope.minletters + ' letters',                             'class' : itemvalidity ? 'valid' : undefined                           };                           scope.requirementspec[namestr].push(item);                         }                         if(attrs.minnumbers){                           var itemvalidity = (viewvalue && /\d/.test(viewvalue));                           scope.valid = !itemvalidity ? false : scope.valid;                           var item = {                             'msg' : 'must contain @ least' + attrs.minnumbers + ' numbers',                             'class' : itemvalidity ? 'valid' : undefined                           };                           scope.requirementspec[namestr].push(item);                         }                   }                    if(scope.valid) {                       ctrl.$setvalidity(namestr, true);                       return viewvalue;                   } else {                       ctrl.$setvalidity(namestr, false);                                           return undefined;                   }              }               scope.requirementspec = {};               ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewvalue) {                return validator(viewvalue);              });              ctrl.$formatters.unshift(function(viewvalue) {                // var before = scope.$eval(attrs.validatebefore);                if(viewvalue && viewvalue != "" && viewvalue.length > 0)                  return validator(viewvalue);               });           });     } }); 

the solution: $transclude takes compiled content of element, not element self.

obviously lack understanding of significant detail in implementation.


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