python - Finding function calls using regex -

i'm trying detect functions between call-chains.

for example, can use"([\w_]+)\((|[\w\d\w\,]+)\)", line) 

to find


but reasonably not compatible code like:

print(i + len("aa") + j + len("bbb")) 

help me.

your needs may better served ast module:

import ast  = ast.parse('print(i + len("aa") + j + len("bbb"))') print ast.dump(a)  >>> module(body=[print(dest=none, values=[binop(left=binop(left=binop(left=name(id='i', ctx=load()), op=add(), right=call(func=name(id='len', ctx=load()), args=[str(s='aa')],  keywords=[], starargs=none, kwargs=none)), op=add(), right=name(id='j', ctx=load())),  op=add(), right=call(func=name(id='len', ctx=load()), args=[str(s='bbb')], keywords=[],  starargs=none, kwargs=none))], nl=true)]) 


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