java - JVM consuming 100% of one CPU -

we have application runing on ubuntu server 12.04 , java.

java -version return :

java version "1.7.0_40"

java(tm) se runtime environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)

java hotspot(tm) 64-bit server vm (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode

we have other applications same technology without problem.

server informations : ram: 2g os: ubuntu server 12.04 nb of cpu: 2

application language scala.

after running while, jvm seems sleep. 1 cpu continue spin @ 100%.

jvm options :

-xms1g -xmx1g -xx:+heapdumponoutofmemoryerror -xx:+useparnewgc -xx:+useconcmarksweepgc -xx:+printgcdetails -xx:+printgctimestamps -xx:+printtenuringdistribution -xx:-disableexplicitgc -xx:cmsfullgcsbeforecompaction=1 -xx:+cmsclassunloadingenabled -xx:+cmsincrementalmode -xx:maxgcpausemillis=1500 -xx:gctimeratio=9 -xx:cmsinitiatingoccupancyfraction=50 -xx:-usegcoverheadlimit -xx:maxheapfreeratio=60

with jstat -gcutil [pid], have seen fgc grow fast.

do have idea problem ?


do have idea problem ?

it number of things. (imo) explanation you've got bug in application manifests infinite loop.

attach debugger jvm. or if can't that, send requisite signal cause generate thread dump console output stream. analyse dump see if can clues.

this not kind of problem can give magical answer. need figure out yourself, based on knowledge of application , own hard work in analysing / debugging. (and fact scala means bug in scala compiler or runtime.)


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