Sencha touch nested navigation view -

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in app, have home page has following menu buttons:

1. button1 2. button2 3. button3 4. button4 

now when tap button1, app navigates page1. (page1 navigation view).

problem here is, default page1 not have button move home page. have manually add button.

question 1: there way push page1 view home view button auto generated?

ok, manually added button on page1. page1 navigation view having list. on clicking list item, moves subpage1 .

now problem here is, there default button generated + manual button added. 2 buttons !!

to solve this, hide manually added button on push. , show button on pop. again issue is, there slight delay in hide/show , visible in app. problem is, in older models of blackberry, manually added button not hidden !!!

question 2: better way handle !?

finally, if want nested navigation view?

say, have store 10 records. in page 1, display 3 records list -

record1 - on tap of this, show detailed view record2 - on tap of this, show detailed view record3 - on tap of this, show sub list records 4 10. 

question 3: how achieve ?

question 1: yes, can use navigationview main page. push home. on button tap event, push page1 view (which list, , not navigation view anymore). if needed, hide navigationbar on home page listening push , pop events of navigation view.

question 2: first answer solves problem

question 3: can use listpaging plugin list. check see if meets needs :!/api/ext.plugin.listpaging


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