android - Mismatching contact id's while trying to blacklist phonenumbers -

i'm using contact picker below id of contact.

public void pickcontact() {     intent intent = new intent(intent.action_pick, contacts.content_uri);     intent.settype(phone.content_type); // show user contacts w/ phone numbers     startactivityforresult(intent, pick_contact_request); } 

then retrieve contact id uri returned above using this. , store reference.

public static long getcontactidbyuri(context context, uri uri) {     log.d(tag, uri.tostring());     string[] projection = { contacts._id };     cursor cursor = context.getcontentresolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);     try     {         cursor.movetofirst();         int idx = cursor.getcolumnindex(contacts._id);         long id = -1;          if(idx != -1)         {             id = cursor.getlong(idx);         }         return id;     }         {         cursor.close();     } } 

later on when text message arrives fetch phone number , based on try contact id using following.

public static long getcontactidbyphonenumber(context context, string phonenumber) {     contentresolver contentresolver = context.getcontentresolver();     uri uri = uri.withappendedpath(phonelookup.content_filter_uri, uri.encode(phonenumber));     string[] projection = new string[] { phonelookup._id };     cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(uri, projection, null, null, null);     if (cursor == null) {         return -1;     }     int idx = cursor.getcolumnindex(phonelookup._id);     long id = -1;     if(cursor.movetofirst()) {         id = cursor.getlong(idx);     }     if(cursor != null && !cursor.isclosed()) {         cursor.close();     }     return id; } 

the problem 2 id's doesn't match!

so question goes how can id contact picker can match when looking phone number phonelookup.content_filter_uri. can use additional information contact?

the url returned contact picker refers provider joined contactscontract.rawcontacts again contains contact_id.

so extracting actual contact id trivial using method below.

   public static long getcontactidbydatauri(context context, uri uri)    {           string[] projection = new string[] { data.contact_id };           cursor cursor = context.getcontentresolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);           long id = -1;           if(cursor.movetofirst()) {                  id = cursor.getlong(0);           }           return id;    } 


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