libjpeg turbo - Scaling using libjpegturbo in java -

i have image want re-scale size file size small. using libjpegturbo class tjscalingfactor , tjcompressor, still unable re-scale image there no method allow height , width inputted.

this problem seems somehow related this question, op wants compress, decompress , compress image scale it. this question talking scaling while decompressing, can in fact done turbojpeg api.

this part contains background information

in fact, scaling while compressing introduced , implemented in version 7 of independent jpeg groups libjpeg. developer of turbojpeg , libjpeg-turbo has doubts usefulness of new function, why not see reason implement it. also, project page says: "it can optionally configured api/abi-compatible libjpeg v7 , v8, not include support non-standard smartscale format introduced in libjpeg v8."


use tjcompressor compress image, decompress wished width/height using tjdecompressor , compress again using tjcompressor.


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