How can I turn these jQuery mouse events to touch events (for iPad) -

i have created jquery scratch ticket works in way user can left-click+hold , move cursor scratch top image off see image underneath. works fine mouse events. want able use on ipad (touch events). how modify it?

var topimage = new image(); var bottomimage = new image(); var coinimage = new image(); bottomimage.src = "images/question.png"; coinimage.src = "images/coin.png";    function init() { var ismousedown = false; var canvaswidth = $('#canvas').width(); var canvasheight = $('#canvas').height(); $('body').append('<canvas id="overlay" width="'+canvaswidth+'" height="'+canvasheight+'" />'); // create coin overlay canvas var overlayctx = $('canvas')[1].getcontext('2d'); overlayctx.drawimage(coinimage, 0,0);   function scratchoff(x, y) {;     mainctx.beginpath();     mainctx.arc(x,y,radius,0,math.pi*2,false); // don't fill or stroke arc intentionally     mainctx.clip();     mainctx.drawimage(bottomimage, 0, 0);     mainctx.restore(); }  $('#overlay').mousedown(function(e){         ismousedown = true;         var relx = e.pagex - this.offsetleft;         var rely = e.pagey - this.offsettop;         scratchoff(relx, rely, true); }); $('#overlay').mousemove(function(e){     var relx = e.pagex - this.offsetleft;     var rely = e.pagey - this.offsettop;     overlayctx.clearrect(0,0,canvaswidth,canvasheight);     overlayctx.drawimage(coinimage, relx-radius, rely-radius);     if (ismousedown) scratchoff(relx, rely, false); }); $('#overlay').mouseup(function(e){     ismousedown = false; });  var mainctx = $('canvas')[0].getcontext('2d'); var radius = 20; topimage.onload = function(){     mainctx.drawimage(topimage, 0, 0); }; topimage.src = "images/skava.png"; } 

change following event names:

mousedown -> touchstart

mouseup -> touchend

for 'wipe' (left right or right left) gestures i'd recommend using:

hope helps


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