Python High Low Game Reversed Optimized -

def highlowr():     play_again = 1     while play_again==1:         ct = 0         guess = 50         x = 0         ans = ""         print "lets play game. \nthink of number between 1 , 100.\n"         while ans!="c":             temp0 = 0             temp1 = 0             print "i guess %d" %guess             ans = raw_input("am (h)igh, (l)ow, or (c)orrect? \n")             if ans=="h":                 temp0 = guess/2                 temp1 = guess%2                 guess = temp0 + temp1             elif ans=="l":                 temp0 = guess/2                 temp1 = guess%2                 guess = guess + temp0 + temp1             elif ans=="c":                 print "i got it! took me %d guesses." %ct             else:                 print "i didn't quite understand meant there."             ct = ct+1         play_again = input("would play again? yes = 1, no = 0: ")         print""     print "thanks playing!" highlowr() 

i have running reverse high low game cant figure out how change math in if statements optimize results. works if number guessed 1... cant figure out can optimize results. help?

i don't know you're trying temp0 , temp1. better keep min , max in memory. should work:

def highlowr():     play_again = 1     while play_again==1:         ct = 0         max = 10         min = 0         guess = 0         x = 0         ans = ""         print "lets play game. \nthink of number between 1 , %d.\n"%max         while ans!="c":             if (max+min)/2 == guess:                 print "i think lied me @ point. answer %d" %guess                 break             guess = (max+min)/2             print "i guess %d" %guess             ans = raw_input("am (h)igh, (l)ow, or (c)orrect? \n")             if ans=="h":                 max = guess             elif ans=="l":                 min = guess             elif ans=="c":                 print "i got it! took me %d guesses." %ct             else:                 print "i didn't quite understand meant there."             ct = ct+1         play_again = input("would play again? yes = 1, no = 0: ")         print""     print "thanks playing!" highlowr() 


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