git - How do you get an existing Web2py app deployed on OpenShift? -

i'm trying existing web2py app deployed on openshift.

i'm doing following -

1) create , setup openshift app -

i followed instructions given , got welcome app running on openshift. created new repo on openshift , app works.

2) merge existing repo openshift repo -

i merged openshift repo existing repo (which has web2py app). resolved conflicts. works locally.

but when push openshift following

the git command never terminates - when git status shows it's gone through. don't see openshift build info saw when deployed first time

the app shows no change - still behaves welcome controller first set of instructions.

after while 503 , see openshift dashboard app building.

the status hasn't changed in while - happening / doing wrong?

so took different approach.

i setup app first link.then used administrative interface install app package created of app locally.

the app got installed ( facing weird dependency related issue that's not related above)


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