php - Phpmailer using smtp with Gmail not working - connection timing out -

i've looked following links:

phpmailer send gmail smtp timeout

send email using gmail smtp server through php mailer

...and tried implement myself combination of however...most of time sends message...

message not sent.

mailer error: smtp connect() failed.

however there 1 time sent when experimented between "tls" , "ssl"...

smtp error: failed connect server: connection timed out (110) smtp connect() failed. message not sent.

mailer error: smtp connect() failed.

my code attached...did somehow miss something? asked web hosting service if they're blocking , gave them template of code - said server allows connections gmail's smtp.

    require_once("class.phpmailer.php");     $mail = new phpmailer();     $mail -> issmtp();     $mail -> smtpdebug = 2;     $mail -> smtpauth = 'true';     $mail -> smtpsecure = 'tls';     $mail -> smtpkeepalive = true;     $mail -> host = '';     $mail -> port = 587;     $mail -> ishtml(true);       $mail -> username = "";     $mail -> password = "mypassword";     $mail -> singleto = true;       $to = xxx;                                $from = xxx;     $fromname = xxx;     $subject = xxx;     $message = xxx     $headers = "from: $from\n";     $headers .= "mime-version: 1.0\n";     $headers .= "content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";      $mail -> = $from;     $mail -> fromname = $fromname;     $mail -> addaddress($to);      $mail -> subject = $subject;     $mail -> body    = $message;      if(!$mail -> send()){         echo "message not sent. <p>";         echo "mailer error: " . $mail-> errorinfo;         exit;     } 

i dug it. use fsocketopen, native php, test connection , eliminate of potential problems. write simple php page this:

    $host = "";     $port = "587";     $checkconn = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5);     if(!$checkconn){         echo "($errno) $errstr";     } else {         echo 'ok';     } 

you should "ok". if not know have connection problem has nothing phpmailer. if that's case it's hosting company. if not it's simple difference between local host , hosting company different versions of php.

i suspect though script won't make connection


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