javascript - AngularJS - Passing nested variable with ng-click -

this answer helped me understand how bound variable via ng-click: how can pass bound variable ng-click function?

however, if variable needs passed nested variable?

for example:

the nested variable: {{item['id']['attributes']['im:id']}}

how called inside of ng-click?

<a ng-click="open('item['id']['attributes']['im:id']')">  

definitely not work because of multliple use of single quote.


__ edit ___

attached jsfiddle of trying achieve:

basically in $scope.test, value trying pass within ng-click contoller {{ item['id']['attributes']['im:id']}}

for reference, believe correct solution question asked above: here jsfiddle future reference:


the non-proper variable placed within enclosing brackets.

hope future searchers.


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