Python socket server : Reject connection from address -

i have python socket server listens on port, , accepts incoming connections using:

(conn, address) = socket.accept() 

however, wish accept connections ip address.

currently, close connection if address isn't registered, accomplish this.

but there better way this, directly rejecting connections unregistered addresses, instead of accepting connections , closing them?

it's not possible indicate connection refused clients ip addresses, , establish connection clients other ip addresses. not python limitation, lower-level, bsd socket layer limitation. can't c.

the closest behavior in general can in python closing connection after has been accepted:

sock, addr = server_socket.accept() if addr[0] != '':   sock.close()   return ... 

then client see connection being accepted, , shortly after client see eof when reading it, , wouldn't able write it.

however it's possible limit interface (i.e. network card) @ bind time, using 1 of:

server_socket.bind(('', 65432))  # bind on interface. server_socket.bind(('', 65432))  # bind on loopback (localhost clients only). server_socket.bind(('', 65432)) 

so in version, telnet 65432 (as client) work, telnet myhostname 65432 yield connection refused (and server_socket.accept() call won't connection).


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