android - Admob is not able to load any ads -

admob not able load ads app. have been waiting while, , still there no ad.

   < android:id="@+id/adview"                      android:layout_width="wrap_content"                      android:layout_height="wrap_content"                      ads:adunitid="pub-||||||||||||||||" \\ blanked out.                       ads:adsize="banner"                      ads:testdevices="test_emulator, 20080411413fc082"                      ads:loadadoncreate="true"/> 

my manifest

 <activity android:name=""                 android:configchanges="keyboard|keyboardhidden|orientation |screenlayout|uimode|screensize|smallestscreensize"/> 


10-06 20:43:28.187: w/ads(11465): invalid unknown request error: cannot determine request type. ad unit id correct? 10-06 20:38:52.937: e/activitythread(11465): failed find provider info 


image show have admob jar in libs.

enter image description here

any appreciated.

thank you.

you're using wrong value in adunitid. it's not publisher id, it's separate number called ad unit id.

in admob, go monetise, apps, , expand "view code integration instructions" app. if it's not there, have add app.


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