Geolocation without HTML5 API -


i need determine current user city. html5 it's not problem. need support old browsers (leke ie 7,8). first of thought find location using ip address. not easy implement (i need actual database location). free web services not provide me needed info. many of these can determine country (but not city).

i tried use , service return country (as , free). tried use csv database ips (but in internet can find old version).

do know free ways determine user city? thanks!

some older browsers have support getting user location in form. in ie7/8 days few different browsers handled geolocation in different ways. pain developers. can't life of me remember how in ie7/8 remember writing wrapper library @ point. days people use wrapper libraries handle different browser implementations them. bing maps v7 javascript wraps old , new functionalities common geolocationprovider class in api might option if need map in site:


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