SQL table display error -

i encountering display issue sql code , hoping me figure out whats going on. when create customer table insert line of values works successfully... however, when type select * customer; displays horrible output none of data lined in columns properly. can please take @ code , tell me can fix this.

i have multiple tables in database , none of other tables have issue , display properly. window configured using these 2 lines of code:

set linesize 132 set pagesize 50 

my table creation code:

    create table  customer ( customerid number(5) not null constraint pk_customer_customerid primary key, billingid number(5) not null, customerfname varchar2(40) not null, customerlname varchar2(40) not null, customerphone varchar2(10) not null, customerstreet varchar2(30)not null, customercity varchar2(30) not null, customerstate char(2) not null, customerzip varchar2(9) not null, customeremail varchar2(75) not null, signup_date date default sysdate not null, customerstatus char(1) not null constraint cc_customer_customerstatus check (customerstatus in ('a', 'i')), inactivedate date, inactivereason varchar2(200), customerbillingcycle char(1) not null constraint cc_customer_customerbc check (customerbillingcycle in ('a', 'b')) ); 

my line of values being inserted table:

insert customer values (01234, 99012, 'michael', 'huffaker', '6235551414', '65 n 35th ln', 'glendale', 'az', '85308', 'm.huffaker@quickmail.com', '29-may-2010', 'a', null, null, 'a'); 

as stated above, both of these work , problem appears when display data in table. check out screen shot link below see messed output: http://i.stack.imgur.com/umu4s.png

it's not messed @ all; output lines "wrapping" output after 132 characters. it's normal. don't use command line running selects, try routing output file. or perhaps try large linesize setting (like 1000 or so). terminal windows may not support line wide.


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