joomla3.0 - joomla gantry template css arrow indicator -

in fusion menu gantry-framework have item sub-menu. naturally there submenu-indicator, down-arrow suggesting there more menu item. managed increase size of menu button (it requirement) using gantry-custom.css file:

.gf-menu.l1 > li > .item{     font-size:15px;     line-height:64px;     padding-top:7px;     padding-bottom:7px;     position:relative; } 

now, problem indicator (the down-arrow) low beneath menu title, in picture: enter image description here

i need have arrow placed on same line menu-title. how can that?

thank you

on menu css file add following, or change respective class declaration parameter fit needs. positioning "top" defines arrow position relative container element.

.gf-menu li.parent > .item:after {     top: 20%; /* parameter defines arrow positioning */ } 


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