mysql - Selecting the difference of sum of a column from one table and sum of a column from another table -

i have 2 tables income , expenses. have calculate sum of expenses , incomes , calculate difference of both sums.

i using

select (sum(a.amount)-(select sum(i.amount)  incomes group i.userid)) expense, a.userid amount group a.userid 

at present there on userid in income table, when execute query, taking sum of userid's income , subtracting everyone's expenses.

i need individual difference.

you can use subselect

select (q.amount - q.expense) `diff` ( (select (sum(a.amount)  amount group a.userid) `amount`, (select sum(i.amount)  incomes group i.userid) expense, ) q 

or join

select (q.amount - q.expense) `diff` ( select sum(a.amount)  `amount` ,sum(i.amount) `expense` amount   join   incomes on ( a.userid=i.userid) group i.userid ) q 

or can try full outer join don't exist still can same using union

select (q.amount - q.expense) `diff` ( (select (sum(a.amount) `amount` , null `expense` amount group a.userid)  union (select null `amount`, sum(i.amount) expense incomes group i.userid)  ) q 


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