vba - MS ACCESS Passing Database Property on creating new database? -

i`m trying create deploying databases distribution. create small databases main database , after attached mail , send guys. why have long story have it.

i can create databases transfer tables queries not know how send properties, below. , if has way of doing thats fine too. have distributes in 10 different places. need there in locked mode , pop form automatically.

public function fnc_createaccesschicago()           dim acapp access.application     set acapp = new access.application     acapp.application.newcurrentdatabase ("c:\testtest\chicagpdatabase")  ------ acapp.properties("startupform") = "frmassetchicago" ----      acapp.quit    end function  public function fnc_transfers()     docmd.transferdatabase acexport, "microsoft access", "c:\testtest\chicagodatabase.accdb", actable, "tblallasset", "tblallasset"     docmd.transferdatabase acexport, "microsoft access", "c:\testtest\chicagodatabase.accdb", acquery, "qryassetchicago", "qryassetchicago"     docmd.transferdatabase acexport, "microsoft access", "c:\testtest\chicagodatabase.accdb", acform, "frmassetchicago", "frmassetchicagof" end function 

try this

public sub copyproperties(dstdbname string) ' copy properties currentdb() dstdbname     dim dstdb database     dim srcdb database     dim ws workspace     dim srcp property     dim dstp property      set srcdb = currdb()     set ws = defaultworkspaceclone()     set dstdb = ws.opendatabase(dstdbname)      each srcp in srcdb.properties         debug.print srcp.name,         if (srcp.name <> "name") , (srcp.name <> "connection")             if (nz(srcp.value, "") <> "")                 set dstp = dstdb.createproperty(srcp.name, srcp.type, nz(srcp.value, ""))                 on error resume next                 dstdb.properties.append dstp                 dstdb.properties(srcp.name).value = srcp.value                 on error goto 0             end if             debug.print "set", srcp.value         end if         debug.print     next srcp     dstdb.properties.refresh     dstdb.close     set dstdb = nothing     set srcdb = nothing     set ws = nothing end sub 


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