delphi - How do I make standard actions (like TEditCopy) recognize additional controls (like TEmbeddedWB)? -

i satisified functionality of teditcut, teditcopy, teditpaste , teditselectall except don't work on controls not standard.

for example, may work fine on tedit or tmemo controls, not on tembeddedwb — it, standard actions disabled regardless of whether text selected, though tembeddedwb has methods copytoclipboard , selectall.

how can make standard actions work tembeddedwb? how standard actions determine whether should enabled or disabled (and in event — in onupdate event)? can extend standard actions add support unrecognized components, or need write replacement?

the default edit actions not work on tembeddedwb control, because component not descend tcustomedit. teditaction, teditselectall descends from, knows how handle tcustomedits.

use onupdate , onexecute events of action override behaviour. note default behaviour ignored, implement manually. here example teditselectall action.

procedure tform1.editselectall1update(sender: tobject); begin   editselectall1.enabled := (screen.activecontrol tembeddedwb) or     editselectall1.handlestarget(activecontrol) end;  procedure tform1.editselectall1execute(sender: tobject); begin   if activecontrol tembeddedwb     tembeddedwb(screen.activecontrol).selectall   else     editselectall1.executetarget(screen.activecontrol); end; 

or use same events of actionlist (or onactionupdate , onactionexecute of applicationevents component) centralize custom behaviour:

procedure tform1.actionlist1update(action: tbasicaction; var handled: boolean); begin   if action teditaction   begin     tcustomaction(action).enabled := (screen.activecontrol tembeddedwb) or       action.handlestarget(screen.activecontrol);     handled := true;   end; end;  procedure tform1.actionlist1execute(action: tbasicaction; var handled: boolean); begin   if (action teditselectall) , (screen.activecontrol tembeddedwb)   begin     tembeddedwb(screen.activecontrol).selectall;     handled := true;   end; end; 


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