ios - how to synchronise "non-consumable purchase" with a "online multiplayer game server" -

we developing online mobile multiplayer game ios platforms.

in our game, player may purchase , activate "pro" mode benefits.

so, created "non-consumable" type of in-app purchase. because, "pro" mode kind of 1 time purchased, forever activated item. activate , store necessary data on server, need information "who have purchased item form itunes game store".

my question is: how can synchronise user's appleid , server game account? appleid private variable can't sdk.

we cannot use identifierforvendor, because can login , logout different accounts on same device.

is there solution situation? or advice me change item "consumable" type , handle works on server side? ( suppose situation may create kind of trouble in future )

edit: how can detect that: delete app, reinstall, log in game server different account , restore pro mode account (he can lots of friends play game) wonder, how can match appleuser <==> gameuser in situation?

you can implement "restorecompletedtransactions" method non-consumable items.

it's ready use mechanic apple allows user restore purchases - provide button , implementation.

also check:


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